But the design, featuring Giger’s characteristic mix of biology and technology, proved to be more at home in the Alien universe than patrolling the streets of Gotham City. Schumacher, who most likely wanted to put his own unique stamp on the franchise after Tim Burton stepped down, got a design to match. During the early days of pre-production on Batman Forever, Giger submitted a batmobile design for director Joel Schumacher. Giger, with his nausea-inducing design, is a perfect fit for Alien, but not Batman. Whether it’s the horrific design of the monstrous Xenomorph, or the visceral, ribbed biomechanical exteriors and interiors of The Engineers’ derelict alien craft, Giger helped elevate Alien into one of the creepiest entries in space-based horror. Even director Ridley Scott admits, the film would probably not exist without the Swiss artist’s designs. Giger is best known for his unsettling biomechanical designs in Alien. We won't try to work this onto a Ford chassis." And you couldn't have.H.R. That fender looks gigantic." TFX said, "We'll build everything from scratch. Drawing a car is one thing, but it doesn't ever really look like that. As it becomes more 3D, you go back in and keep redesigning.

It's amazing how much the design of that morphs. From our drawings, we went in to doing little 3D clay and shaping that. We hired this fabulous team of builders, this young team who had never done a movie before, Trans-FX. It was exciting that this strange mind briefly touched upon us, but it didn't work out.

He had these insane, fabulous, weird scribbles that were very like Alien. We had early discussions with Giger about the Batmobile. In this 2015 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Batman Forever's production designer Barbara Ling talked about those early days of working with Giger: Honestly, can you imagine Val Kilmer's Batman cruising through the streets of Gotham City in this beast? Or Kilmer saying the line "Chicks dig the car" about this ridiculous monstrosity? Seeing images like this resurface five years after Giger's death are a reminder that there's never been anyone else like him.